Friday, December 28, 2012

The Fight

So the Russian adoption ban was signed by President Putin and is now a law that will become effective January 1st.  My heart has been aching all day long.  I go from confident and peaceful, to nervous and weepy within minutes.  I've been glued to my computer searching for news that will ease my pain.  So far things aren't looking super promising.  We have three outs we're hoping for.  One is that there is some consideration (this is what the state department seems to be working on) that Russia will allow those already in process to finish their adoptions.  Today we got messages from several adoption agencies that Russia would for sure let those who have already gone to court and whose 30 day wait it up by December 31 to come get their kids in January (because Russia shuts down starting tomorrow for their New Year/Christmas holidays).  Because they will have their adoption decrees in 2012, they should be allowed to leave.  I am happy for those few families, of whom I know two or three.  There has also been talk in some regions that they will allow those who have traveled once to complete their adoptions.  This is much more in the air and seems to be a flimsy line of hope to hold on to.  I'm grasping for all I'm worth, though!
The second idea I had been clinging to is that since Russia just signed an adoption agreement with the U.S. in July (it just became effective in November) that states if either side wishes to get out of the treaty, they must give the other country one year notice.  This would give myself as well as all my friends in the process plenty of time to complete our adoptions.  This, however, seems to not be valid, as the president indeed signed the bill and said it will become effective January 1st.  I'm not sure what the U.S. response will be on this.  So far there has been silence, as it seems the "fiscal cliff" has been more important in their minds than the Russian adoption issue.  I don't blame them.  I mean, of course the adoption fiasco is more important to me personally, but I understand.  Hopefully when that's all dealt with, the White House's attention will turn to the Russian problem.
The other piece of news that has offered me the most comfort today comes from a member of the parliament that is in Putin's own political party.  He tweeted last night that he is proposing an amendment to the ban that will allow adoptions of special needs children.  The Russian Orthodox Church backs this amendment, and has spoken out that they believe special needs children should be allowed to be adopted by the United States, as we are the only country adopting these children.  Apparently the Kremlin traditionally listens to the church's opinions, so perhaps they will listen to these ideas.  This is what I am personally hoping for, as this will allow many more children to be adopted than just the ones whose prospective parents have already traveled. 
In the end, it is up to the Lord.  He is the performer of miracles.  He turned water into wine.  He healed the lepers.  He made the blind to see, the deaf to hear.  He brought Lazarus back from the dead.  Surely he can change the minds of the officials and amend the law.  Throughout this journey, our path has been paved by God.  We know that Heavenly Father and Jesus hold these children in their hearts.  They are loved more than we can imagine.  We have had more spiritual experiences, more feelings of peace, more happiness than ever before in our lives these last six months.  We were led to Russia at this exact time.  We were led to Meg because she is meant to be ours.  I don't doubt this.  I will admit I have had several moments of falter today, but I do believe this in my heart and will continue forward with faith.
We will forge on with our court dossier as though nothing has happened.  In fact, here are some documents for court that we mailed yesterday!

We will press through and pray harder than we ever have in our lives.  We would be honored if you would pray along side us. We cannot thank you enough for your kind words and support!  They are lifting us up right now!

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