Friday, August 2, 2013

An Update...Sort Of

I don't have too much news to report. In China adoption news, USCIS is reviewing our application, and we're waiting for fingerprint appointments. One thing that's exciting for us is that we decided on a name for our China guy! We are naming him Cooper! His middle name will be his Chinese name, but I don't feel comfortable sharing that at this point. I will as soon as he's home safe and sound. It's a pretty big deal for us to come up with a name, though, as my husband and I have a really hard time agreeing on names! Yay! I also have been researching his province and I'm getting majorly excited to travel! It's still probably about six months away, but it's fun to imagine what it's going to be like! I read an article in May about the one child policy that continues in China, and it's heartbreaking. Here's a link to that article if you're interested.

If you're following Russian news at all, you know this week has been difficult as far as U.S./Russian relations go. Edward Snowden was granted asylum in Russia for a year. Here's an article about that. Now the U.S. is making threats about the meeting between Obama and Putin in September before the G20 Summit being canceled. BOO!! I am seriously sick to death of politics. I don't even care. Just give me my kid!! I think it's insanely unfair that she has to remain institutionalized for the rest of her life because of politics. So, yeah. I know I've been saying that for six months now, but it remains true.

As always, I'm thankful to Sarah with The Dark Matter of Love for her continuing work. She seems to have some great ideas and I'm truly happy she's on our side. At least it's something positive to follow!

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