Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Making our Canadian News Debut!

We were contacted by a reporter from Canada on Thursday or Friday of last week. My husband called and talked to him, and he was doing a story about Russian kids who'd met prospective adoptive parents from the U.S. but were caught in the adoption ban that had now been adopted in Canada. He had heard that we were interested in a Canadian family adopting Dasha Meg and wanted to interview us for his article. We made the news! Click here to read our story!

While we would love, love, LOVE for Dasha to come home to us, it isn't looking like that is going to happen any time soon. More than anything, we desire for her to have a family. If a Russian family were willing to love her and take her in, we'd be excited! Since that's more than likely not going to happen, Canada seems the next best choice. They are one of the only other countries that allow the international adoption of kids with special needs. From what I understand, the adoption process can be a bit more complicated (due to socialized medicine), but I do know of a few people who adopted kids with Ds from Ukraine last year. This is exciting news to us as our greatest fear is that she will end up with no family in a mental institution. If you are Canadian and are interested or know someone interested in adopting a two year old girl with Down syndrome from Russia, please contact me!

If you're following Russian/U.S. relations, you know President Obama officially called off the pre-G20 meeting with Putin. It's so very disappointing to see our hopes slipping away. This has been a difficult week emotionally for me as it sinks in more and more that Dasha's most likely not coming home to us. I would give almost anything for her to be part of our family. We miss her so very much. There is a hole in our family where she is supposed to be. Please continue to pray for her!

Today we had our biometrics appointment for our USCIS application for Cooper. I've heard they are taking around two months to approve people, so that's a bummer. We've still got a month left. We have made some progress on our dossier and will continue chipping away at it so it's ready to go once we have USCIS approval. I found out we have the option to pay for an update on Cooper! You apply through China and they give you a few pictures and possibly even answer questions. That sounds like so much fun! We're thinking about doing that, but might just hold off for a little bit. I'm thinking once we're half way through our anticipated wait would be a fun time to get some new pictures and info on our little stud muffin!

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