Monday, June 24, 2013

The Dark Matter of Love

The G8 was a bust as far as Obama and Putin speaking about the adoption ban.  Heartbreaking.  I just want my girl home!!!  She turned two at the end of May, and it just feels awful to not have her home.  When we met her back in December, I was 100% confident we'd have her home long before her second birthday.  I hate that the president of her country doesn't care if she lives or dies.  He doesn't care if she has a happy life or a miserable one.  I hate that the president of my country doesn't care about her or about us, either.  I don't  know what else to do.  It feels so hopeless at times.
I was fortunate enough to get to view a new documentary film, The Dark Matter of Love, a month or so ago.  It is a beautiful film about an American family who adopted an 11 year old girl and twin 5 year old boys from Russia.  It follows their journey through the first year of struggles, and ultimately shows how love changes these kids.  They made the film long before the adoption ban, but the timing turned out such that the film director (Sarah McCarthy) feels compelled to use her film to plead for the 300 children who've met prospective adoptive parents but are still stuck.  She is taking her film to the Moscow film festival and will be showing it several times as well as streaming it live to all of Russia.  Awesome!!  And so brave!!  Sarah is also trying to get a lobbyist in Washington D.C. to talk to Obama about helping the 300.  Obama and Putin are meeting again in September for the G20 and will meet with just the two of them in Moscow before the summit.  Sarah is working towards getting Obama engaged before September.  She is a saint to spend so much time and energy trying to free our kids!!  I am forever grateful to her!
Director Sarah and the Diaz Family at our Capitol Hill Screening
This is the Diaz family featured in the film, The Dark Matter of Love, along with the director, Sarah McCarthy
Sarah has started a Kickstarter campaign to pay the lobbyist, etc.  She has to raise 50,000 pounds before July 5, or she gets none of the money already raised.  If you have a few dollars to spare, visit her Kickstarter campaign HERE and please spread the word!  We can use all the help we can get to bring our baby home, and an awesome film campaign backing us may just be the thing we need!

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