Monday, October 28, 2013

DTC and Other News

In the China adoption world, "DTC" stands for dossier to country. It is a big step! It means your home study, USCIS approval, and entire dossier are completed, authenticated, uploaded, and mailed to China! All the paperwork, blood, sweat, and tears we've put in to compiling everything is done! China now has all our information and can decide whether we will be allowed to proceed with the adoption or not. I'm thrilled to have this step out of the way! We knew we were getting close, so decided to have a little fun while raking leaves this weekend!

A Facebook friend who was adopting a boy from our new little guy's orphanage stopped at the orphanage and took pictures for a few of us mamas who are waiting to travel. I got three precious pictures of our guy and a whole lot of heartache. It's a very crowded orphanage with only a few nannies. I'm so very worried about him! 

I seriously cannot wait to get this boy in my arms! I love him so! It's rumored that after you are DTC, you have about 4-5 months until you travel. That puts us traveling sometime towards the end of February or March. I can't wait!!!

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